Awakening 16: Obstacles to awakening

JANU: Let us survey the obstacles to awakening, most of which are self-imposed, for reason. Others are occasions of living the incarnate life: social pressures, the demands; timing of opportunities and challenges; awareness of possibilities; lack of courage, energy, and commitment. All of these can be overcome, for a more awakened state can be achieved in the midst of a challenge by application and desire. As far as self-imposed reasons go, the timing of the True Nature, based on achievements, is sacrosanct. But these reasons are always in your best interest, serving you and life itself, for the human journey has a purpose, as do you.

The challenges and the obstacles, if you would call them that, are part of the journey. They come with the territory, so to speak. They strengthen your wisdom, your resolve, and your capacities to embrace life. We’re not suggesting to prefer obstacles, but the mastership of them. The fundamental question here is: “What do you desire?” In time, more and more, the human you and your True Nature speak with one voice, clarity ensues, confusion gives way to purpose and meaning.

The larger life has challenges as well, our brother, but of a different order. But the isolation of the human experience, due to the veil, in the sense of isolation or separation, make the connection with the larger life seem obscure if non-existence. But ignorance is the theme here. The purpose of these journeys is to lessen this, give you a working premise to awaken to something more, returning to the state of being that has always been who you are.

The obstacles to awakening have never been permanent or fixed. Not remembering your awakened state does not deny its existence. Your human journey is very temporary. Make the most of it, whether conscious or not, but enhance your opportunities as you may through awakening. Namaste.
Apr. 29, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.