JANU: Enlightenment, our brother, is always useful. Insights that occur in the lives of many speak to the living presence of their larger consciousness, their True Nature. Even with the veil, the presence of the True Nature remains. More so than many realize. Superficial consciousness becomes dominant with the veil in place. But even with this, the life is not devoid of fundamental truth born of the need of the moment, the desire of the heart, concern for another, and moments of love. Presence remains. The veil does not change this. In time, it is possible to see beyond the veil and the beauty of life that surrounds you and fills you. For the life that surrounds you is a creation and the nature of creation is life itself, the common element that connects everything. Do not see materiality as an inert or dead thing, you see. It is vibrant with life, evidence of the living presence of even your own True Nature.
You ask, “What does co-creation mean? What is the reality of being a co-creator?” The thrust to live, to create, to manifest, to experience, to understand, to contribute, to share is a co-creator. Not limited to the human being, you see, but any measure of consciousness that can respond to the presence of life. How does life itself, then, continue, evolve, and expand without a consciousness that can co-create, always present in each life? What then would you create, our brother, in coming aware of this? Whatever you are drawn to realize through your interest, your compassion, your nature. Creation that has inherent within it more creation.
Creating includes far more than materialization, by patterns of energy, qualities of being, living patterns of essential nature. Mastering the flow of your life, choosing unfoldment rather than just waiting for it. Good health is a choice, not an accident. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
May 11, 2016 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross
While not a part of “Awakening: a series,” this subject follows closely the theme of #18 Creating and lifting the veil. Be sure to read both. You might also wish to search our site for ‘co-creation’ and ‘veil’ for other postings on this subject.