What is real?

JANU: We are encouraging then the discovery of the Truth of Life. Your recent ponderings are part of this. The answer to your question is: All of life is real. All that is exists, ever changing, ever expanding. The awakening we speak of, our brother, and refer to often is the realization of this. Discovering what is. Understanding it. Appreciating life, and to appreciate something is to increase its value, its worth, its reality. So you are life appreciating itself, expanding its existence, enriching itself. You’re a part of this as well, and it’s a wondrous thing. And, yes, there is beauty in all of it, the miracle of life.

With this growing understanding, one sees everything with new eyes, every time they gaze upon it. Even appreciating and seeing who you are is to see the beauty in your being, the miracle of it, the miracle of its potential. Life is the answer to your query, our brother, the answer to everything. How can you doubt life, when you are an example of it, the proof of it, the result of it, and, yes, the creator of it? Opening your consciousness to the truth of this reveals unseen mysteries.

And, yes, one answer, so to speak, always leads to another question. This is discovery. This is engaging life. So, ask your questions. Listen for answers. Ponder them. And allow their gift of further inquiry and discovery. Find peace in this. Everything is all right. How can it be otherwise, for it exists? Life does not value one expression of it over another, for the beauty of the presence of life and its gift is eternal. We rejoice in this truth with you and may it always enrich your life, as you enrich life. Namaste.
Aug. 30, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.