Peace, freedom and love

JANU: We are forecasting, if you will, and forming a deliberate attempt to inspire peace and freedom in the minds and hearts of people struggling to find truth in their lives, their True Nature, their purpose of being, their gifts of service, and their loving nature. These elements of achievement in the pursuit of these things are more powerful, more liberating, more illuminating than struggling, you see. Pursue, yes, but peacefully, with clarity, focus, openness, allow for the truth and a growing confidence in the abilities of your own True Nature, which is who you are. Pushing to achieve seems to have its rewards, but it limits you. Allow understanding, revelation, communication with life.

Your True Nature is talented, in harmony with the flow of life, contains the wisdom of so many journeys. Be the ambassador, the pioneer, the blessing for others by way of the peace and freedom of being. The answers and solutions to inquiries already exist. Frustration and struggle convinces you they do not.

Life is not designed to thwart you or keep you ignorant and in the dark, so to speak. It is designed to evolve, expand, create, grow, reveal. Its nature is harmonious, peaceful. Yes, the violence that appears in the formation of worlds, the destruction and the creating seem to fly in the face of this, but the purpose of these is understood peacefully, the peace that allows the flow of life to be at one with you. This is a flow of relationships, the currents of life.

There is a symmetry that includes far more than physical life. Every creation, every reality has purpose and conditions or parameters of its existence. One’s life can seem outside of this. That is a limited view, our brother. Simplicity at the root of complexity has endurance and reveals the complexity for what they are. Be not owned by these complexities of life, but understand them and the root of their existence.

Peace and freedom go hand in hand, and love does exist, our brother, for it holds all life together, all purpose, all destiny, all creation. The realities of love are a worthy journey of discovery. The love of human relationships is but part of the larger reality. Consider then the profound reality of simplicity, peace, and freedom on your journeys. Namaste.
Sept. 19, 2016 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.