Expanding understanding of who you are

JANU: Many are longing to know who they are, more than this human identification. What is intrinsic about their nature? What possibilities await them in their own creativity and understanding? The physical lineage is only part of the story, even though their ancestry has varied. It is not who they are, but mostly physical influences, genetics. Good information but not completely satisfying.

Scanning the True Nature for the larger identity leads to remembering your origins and experiences. The physical body is not who you are. It is what you are doing, to a degree. You are more than that and your existence is more than that. These journeys of understanding are only part of the picture, you see, but they begin to provide answers to your questions of who you are.

The challenge and the opportunity is not to hang on to the human identity so tightly you can’t change your perspective to more of your True Nature. Accomplishing this while maintaining balance and sanity, reasonableness, and peace of mind is part of the reason for so many elements to these journeys that build the foundation for success. The human experience takes on patterns of consciousness that must evolve into something more open and engaging larger realities of life and of your nature. The human identity experience is part of a larger truth of your being. Not to be discarded or ignored, but to be merged with a broader and deeper perspective.

The dropping of the veil, so to speak, is very important and serves a purpose. As is awakening. Continue to ask the question: Who am I? Then, listen for elements of understanding, here and there, now and then, remembering the journey of awakening as you gradually realize your answer. Realize the truth of who you are. A miraculous journey. Namaste.
Oct. 20, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.