Awakening is natural

JANU: The subject of discussion in this journey is the naturalness of communication within the collective consciousness of the True Nature. This naturalness includes communication with other realities of life, including beings, by way of this natural ability. It may be somewhat unique compared to the outward appearance of many, but it is completely natural and available to anyone who chooses the path of awakening.

Now, the forms of communication can vary greatly. Direct knowing without words. Impressions of many kinds. A sense of presence and understanding. Feelings. Direct observation of the flow of life. As one awakens further, other abilities demonstrate naturally. The so-called laws of physics and physicality are all subject to a more diverse reality. The movement of objects, the ability to move through objects, to render them weightless, so-called miraculous healing, levitation, the list goes on and on, but the wisdom to incorporate these things in a balanced life, with reasonableness and sanity, is called for.

So what are the limits, then, our brother, of natural ability? Physicality is not as fixed as most people assume. It is the limit of their current experience. It is natural to be in perfect health your entire sojourn. It is natural to be at peace. It is natural to love yourself, and others. It is possible to leave the body when you choose, whether temporarily or permanently. And it is natural to nourish the body without food.

Awakening opens the door progressively to all of this and more. New experiences, wisdom to be gained, understanding without boundaries. Connection and oneness have deeper meaning and remembering all that you are is part of the joy. The knowledge you gain equips you, conditions you to see the truth in others, as your compassion grows.

Awakening is not limited to a few, but is enjoyed by any who choose it. The larger life is natural indeed, as is ignorance of it for a time. Learn of its wonder and its blessing. Namaste.
Nov. 4, 2016 B                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 9 contains all prior attunements in this series.