Observations of the awakening of humanity

JANU: We are encouraged by the many commitments to awakening and the perspectives of so many to the meaning. What we see changing here, evolving and growing, is the collective human consciousness, its greater grasp and command of creativity, the energy and patterns that consciousness creates. This we see growing, and more and more individuals and groups will recognize the reality of this, which will bring encouragement to develop further. The byproduct of awakening, the enrichments, fulfillments, peace and joy from revelation, brings a kind of glow to the radiations of consciousness globally. It is working, our brother, but it is a process and is earned through commitment and engagement, insight and understanding, and a growing concern for each other. Many challenges to old patterns of consciousness, cherished beliefs, philosophies, and the so-called ‘laws of life.’

Yes, even the creatures of the Earth are evolving, becoming more conscious. Human consciousness has a history with the collective consciousness of the creatures of the Earth. There have been pockets of understanding in native cultures but these did not find harmony with the norms of society and took a back seat to the norms and pressures of economies. Humanity will evolve into a conscious cooperation, a partnership with the life of the Earth, and both will benefit.

Among the obstacles to achievement are fear. Fear of each other. Fear of nature, and disconnection. When the feeling of being alone or disconnected is established, it is difficult to return to connection because the nature of this is forgotten. But the instinct that it exists remains. When reaching for something more than society, let not society’s patterns control your perceptions, limit them, shape them. For true connection with the larger life, our brother, is so much more. What most people believe they cannot accomplish can be accomplished. The laws of nature, so to speak, do not control consciousness, the nature of the larger life. All things are possible, but not if you don’t accept them.

Understand your motives for any accomplishment, any desire, any creative impulse. The ability to ask a question and gain understanding that proves itself is one of many questions, each one a key to understanding and engagement. Revelation, our brother, leads to another and another. It is a privilege to observe the human consciousness awaken and evolve. Namaste.
Nov. 21, 2016 B                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.