A peaceful and casual life

JANU:    Casual is the theme this morning. And what do we mean by this? Casual speaks to an ease in the midst of moving through your day, your challenges, your opportunities, your relationships, and your searching for the truth. Being at peace is not quite the same. Being at peace is more powerful in the sense of being at one with, attuning to. Being at ease softens the intensity which can be a distraction to flow. Being at ease in your quests minimizes any sense of urgency. Natural flow of the movement of life has an ease to it. Being casual allows for natural assimilation. The elements of consciousness and the body find balance with each other, for new understandings and experiences define balance with what is already established and the outcomes in your life define their natural fit.

Casualness does not mean indifference or lack of interest, but a more lighthearted approach to what is and what will be. Resisting change and the intensity of pushing for change with impatience is a disturbance in the flow. Balance becomes elusive. The flow of understanding and the natural fit become overshadowed. Being casual and at peace allows for harmonious relationships to endure the many changes. Urgency is noisier than the subtle realities that describe life more fully and the simple truths that are so powerful. Longevity is enhanced, embracing these qualities. Consider these carefully. Namaste.

Nov. 22, 2016                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross