The true power of a serene and peaceful life

JANU:    Words such as serenity and peace seem strangely out of place in the current climate of world conditions. But make no mistake, our brother. These are the words that speak of true power, endurance, longevity, accommodation, and ongoingness. The healthy person—mind, body and spirit—is the one that is in harmony with these true powers, for they are in harmony with the flow of life and all the resource that brings.

Struggle, pushing, impatience, frustration have their influence but their influence does not speak of longevity and harmonious results with the other realities of life. Is the hollow achievement of the moment worth the disconnect from the richness of life, the resource of true power, clarity of understanding, insight, and connection?

The serene and peaceful life is an awakening life, the life that perceives the subtle encouragements and insights no longer obscured by doubt and worry, fear, anger, and aggressiveness. Serenity and peace, in their true meaning, does not mean an uninvolved life, avoiding the realities that exist, but a life as a ship navigating beautifully the seas of life, whether stormy or not. Achieving goals, inspiring others, serving life without demanding from it selfish fulfillment

So many opportunities, challenges, and gifts of life are unheard when one lives a brash and noisy life, without listening. Witness the confusion in the lives of those described in the media, the violence, the mayhem, even suicide. Serenity and peace are modalities of True Power and rich relationship with the flow of life. Choose wisely, our brother. Namaste.
Dec. 9, 2016                         Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.