Choosing a new model to start a new life

JANU: Summarizing the unification thus far of consciousness, the elements of your being are as a team of life, our brother, working together in harmony to create and to serve life and to infuse life with the manifestation of its potential, its True Nature. It has been a long journey for humanity to reach beyond the veil, leaving the isolation and returning to the larger life. Weary of the dreariness of disease, confusion, ignorance, violence, and struggle for the illusive, it is time for change.

Disease and suffering is not a part of the larger life, only the isolated life. Overcoming illness and confusion is not all there is. Be willing to leave all of that behind for something more grand and fulfilling. So much of humanity has known nothing else as a model for being. There have been shining ones in human history, but seen as something special, separate from what’s called ‘normal’ in common human experience. So human consciousness creates deities but out of reach, still something separate from their own identity.

Awakening is the path to what we speak of, our brother. No longer the need to climb over others into a so-called powerful existence, still devoid of true freedom. How much of human energy is spent upon taking from others, brutality, depression, anxieties, fear of this and fear of that? The fears based upon their own creations.

The Christmas season is a time for starting anew. Beginning again has always been an option, yet seldom taken advantage of. If you had the power to start anew, what would your model be for living a new life? Peace and freedom, well-being, clarity, love of self and of life. What would your model be for a new beginning of a new life? Namaste.
Dec. 12, 2016                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 12 contains all prior attunements in this series.