Destructive and creative patterns of Life

JANU: An interesting subject, our brother, the recycling of life that continues to evolve, self-create as it continues. Consider what is currently known by your science: creation, evolution, destruction. Regeneration of the universe. This cycle of life exists in the smallest venues of life, and the largest. True not only physically but emotionally and mentally as well, on an individual and collective basis. The nature of change, of life in motion is inherent with this. The physical bodies come and go, yet life continues, evolving.

The changes in the DNA explain these things, but it goes much deeper than that, our brother. There are energetic realities as well that are changing. So, if your identity is as a human being, the eternal nature of which is change, evolution, continuation, the identity must change with this. Is your identity in motion, evolving, changing, expanding or contracting? Are your perceptions of life around you and within your consciousness the same?

Your existence is an echo of, a mirror of what the universe experiences. Allow these changes in the elements of your being. Adapt to them and with them, every day, even moment to moment. Life emerges through the so-called destruction of change. And what is that life, our brother, that the universe is and so are you? Patterns of life exist but are changing, but the identity is still Life immortalized through its creations and changes.

There is peace in this, our brother. It is the order of things, and it works. Be more aware of these patterns of life outside of you and within you, and through these your life continues. Namaste, our brother.
Jan. 18, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross