Seeing beyond human and gender identities

JANU: We are encouraging your pursuit of this capability to perceive others more as the spiritual beings they are, than the human identity they see themselves as. Doing so enables the perception to include their qualities, rather than just their challenges. Their potential, their wisdom gained long past and even still.

So much of human appraisal of each other is gender based, not consciousness based. When touching, experiencing, or observing their consciousness, their spirituality, one can put their human identities into a much more compassionate and understanding perspective. For they are not these things, even though they may perceive themselves this way. There are qualities, many qualities, capabilities and understandings in each one much larger than the human ones. This will help you understand and attune to your own qualities. They are not limited by human identity, or gender.

These perceptions we speak of are ever present but at times masked by the physical human journey. Practice this, our brother, and it will awaken you to so much more in your own life and the lives of others. As humanity develops this quality, they will be more ready for beings of other worlds, not to mention other cultures on the Earth. And your relationships with others will benefit greatly, for you will understand and know who they are and who you are. Do this with everyone. Namaste, our brother.
Jan. 20, 2017                                           Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross