Science’s grasp of the larger life

JANU: Subject to this evening’s exposure to science: theoretical physics, creation, so-called ‘Big Bang,’ universe and universes. These theories, namely string and end theories, and membrane theory, and others that will come, are all works in progress, summarized as glimpses of the larger and deeper truth of life. But the truth of life is evolving, our brother, as are the realities referred to. So, what is needed is a theory that evolves, that can flow along with the changing truth of life. As these scientists look back upon the evolution of their theories, it will occur to them that no fixed theory describes all of reality. These predictions of ten dimensions, plus time/space, are limited as well, for they do not move in their theories as one life, ever-changing, evolving, in motion, and these larger realities are beyond their science.

The evolving truth, our brother, is consciousness is not limited to any of these realities and all can be explored as awakening continues and the evolution of awareness marches on. For what is, is. And what is becoming, is becoming. And it is all Life, as is consciousness. So, the ideal here is a consciousness that evolves, not limited or with limitations that are open, as easy to leave behind an understanding as it is to embrace a new one.

Explore with these scientists as you choose, seeing their discoveries and their limitations, their evolution and changes, as you journey into the larger life. Namaste.
May 16, 2017 B                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

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