Understanding awakening

JANU: Let us presume for the moment that integrity is a key word or reality in the forming of meaningful journeys. Employing more of your True Nature, your total being, as emphasis changes in the experience brings into view, brings about patterns of life and experience that are sustainable and catalysts for reaching into the larger life.

You would ask, “How large is life?” Cannot be measured, our brother, for it is ever expanding, a journey without end but ever richer.

Let there be no mistake, then, that reaching into the larger life is a journey into integrity. Fanciful variations have their own form of integrity but are limited. These are patterns, cycles of anomaly, with beginning and end. They are a part of life but journeys that circle in on themselves, as with all fanciful identities and perceptions.

Now, integrity, our brother, is not a rigid concept or philosophy. It is in motion as well. But it is in harmony with the flow of life and is sustainable. Discernment and recognizing fanciful anomalies comes from integrity. That is unlimited. Rely on this core understanding as we journey further into the larger Truth of Life. Namaste, our brother.
May 15, 2017                          Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 22 contains all prior attunements in this series.