Wise counsel

JANU:    Reaching into the depths of the so-called mystery of life, let us turn our attention to the cauldron of life, stirring the pot, so to speak, and exploring what is brewing. Many changes coming, many creations, many modifications. Life re-creating itself, on many levels.

The pot stirring, so to speak, is done by the consciousness of so much of life and its creations, beings if you will, interacting, experimenting, exploring, creating. The function of this stirring is to activate potential into manifestation. Even those at peace, with a growing divine understanding and involvement stir the pot, if you will, in many different ways.

Attempting to disabuse people of their perceptions, what some might call misperceptions, interferes with their freedom to explore their own potential. So finding points of agreement, with sensitivity and caring, one can gently inspire a deeper understanding of their experience. This is wise counseling, our brother, helping Life fulfill itself by way of its many creations and elements of consciousness. Sharing your growing understandings in this way, with care and patience, is part of the oneness that is the Truth of Life. Namaste.
Sept. 6, 2017 B                                                                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross