Our physical & energetic relationship to Earth

JANU: There has always been a longing in human consciousness for identity, the reason for being, the understanding of one’s own nature, and what is this nature that surrounds them. Physicality as such seems more real than anything else. So it is with perception on the Earth reality, but humanity and Earth are so much more. And, yes, there is a relationship beyond physicality.

Many do not focus their attention on the fact that the body they identify with is made of the Earth. There is an allegiance there, mutual support, including humanity’s support of the Earth, you see, often forgotten, replaced by consumption, exploitation, little regard for the living reality of the Earth.

Exploring other worlds in a body made of the Earth faces many natural challenges. Duplication of the Earth environment, support systems, artificially has issues of sustainability. Eventually, the push for this will be mastered to a degree. The Earth already has a relationship with other worlds. Much of its existence is made from these. Many possibilities of outcomes here.

Consciousness exploration of the Earth’s realities is beginning, for the Earth exists more than physically, you see. Humanity searches for Earth-like worlds with so little of the Earth explored, understood, and related to. Exploring humanity’s relationship with the Earth is far from complete. Mastering this brings credibility to exploring other worlds, and not just physically, you see, for consciousness is not limited to time/space and much can be known of other worlds in advance. Both require the same faculty of awareness.

The universe is more than physicality, you see. Identity with the human form, only, limits the journeying we speak of. The part of you that occupies the human form journeys far and wide. Understanding this in a larger way frees you beyond the limitations of physical perception, answering your curiosity about life and identity. Humanity’s relationship with the Earth has much of itself to be revealed. When exploring, be conscious of your own resources, preparation for the journeying, you see. Namaste.
Feb. 5, 2018                                                                                         Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross