Discovering potential, future and destiny

JANU:    What is in store for humanity is its potential and that describes its future. Now you ask, “What is the source of that potential and is it fixed?” No, it is not fixed, our brother. It is in motion, as is all Life, its source. It is partially the True Nature, but even more so the potential of Life itself. For the potential of every person is part of a larger venue of Life, and even that is in motion as Life evolves. But it is a good beginning, our brother, to understand and realize human potential and its future.

You ask, “How does one discover that potential and understand it?” Its imprint, its footprint so to speak, is who you have been. Your history, your memories, your imprints bear witness to potential, so progress* those memories, those patterns of living, of consciousness, into the future of your destiny and potential is discovered.

Allow oneself to imagine, if you will, fantasize to a degree the heart’s desire for a rich life, not just for oneself but every other life that is touched. Dwell on potential understood in the moment, for the future lives there as well, as does the past. Linger there. Rise above conditioning that limits this. Find the peace in this and fulfill it. Namaste.
May 21, 2018                                                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

*To progress a memory means to envision the results and ramifications following from the current conditions as far into the future as you can or wish.