Coming home

JANU: The awakening of a species of a world is not new and is still occurring, from one world to another. This is a process with many elements of discovery, of realization. This process is becoming more noticeable through the expression of these elements. As you are witnessing, the few who demonstrate these changes will appear as unique, special, and sometimes feared to those who have yet to experience what they demonstrate.

So, awakening, you see, is a difficult time for many to adjust, to make their own internal changes in what is acceptable and what is not, and how to function in the midst of these. Let us continue, then, to explore these regions of awakening as they come together here and there, creating an atmosphere of new thresholds of life.

Coming into understanding, bringing understanding to others, is an important service to the awakening of humanity. Dealing with fears, finding solutions to a changing society, changing in every way. Finding peace in the midst of change overcomes fear and opens the consciousness to understanding.

Part of awakening is the reuniting of relationships, both incarnate and not. Those who are unaware of each other in this sojourn come to recognize their larger associations, as will you, our brother. Something to look forward to: coming home. Namaste.
Oct. 31, 2018                                                      Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross