JANU: Slogans are useful in some situations for perpetuating an understanding, even though indirectly. What pertains to human potential, in this sense, is the slogan “Nothing is lost, everything to be gained.”
Taking the larger view of life brings into focus the overall pattern of life, the trending, the progressions, and the fields of creation. The human heart is abundant with these. The consciousness potential exceeds even these. So, as we examine and deal with these moments in life, we agree with what can be accomplished.
The word ‘sacred’ gets used a lot in religious understanding. What is sacred, our brother, is life itself. Everything else are moments of realization, seemingly scattered and disassociated, but the larger view shows the pattern, and the pattern is life in motion, one form giving way to another. Expressions come and go but the flow of life continues as it will always be.
Reach into seeming darkness with the power of truth, the power of understanding, and the power of the love of life. We are one in this. Always take the larger view when observing each moment of life, each challenge, and each victory. Namaste.
Nov. 13, 2018 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross