The purpose of life

JANU: Reaching then into the depths of the rigors of searching to discover the meaning of life, we discover that life exists as a perpetual opportunity. It makes more sense the larger your consciousness becomes, the more of life that is included. What was once a mystery and unknown becomes, through the process of awakening, the reality that is the meaning of life. This means, our brother, that through awakening one realizes they are the meaning, they are the answer to the question.

Life realizes and discovers its purpose not as a reason for being but more in the direction of pure being without reason as a requirement. The purpose of life is everything that life is, whether physicality or not, whether energetic or not. Even the singularity experience is just a beginning. Life is larger than reasoning, our brother. All expressions of life fall into the area of reason and purpose. But life is larger than that.

Allow your consciousness to expand and experience a bit of its purity, the purity of being. No limits, no borders, no definitions, nothing to analyze or name, nothing to create. Even ‘isness’ is a limitation. Leave all words behind, just be. Namaste.
Nov. 21, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

For further understanding of the concept of Singularity, you may also wish to explore “More on Singularity“.