Towards a peaceful & harmonious life

JANU:      America seems to be adrift in the eyes of the world, bringing confusion and uncertainty. And to the Americans, as well. Xenophobia raising its ugly head, with walls and barrier, denials of freedom to those who wish a better life. Ancient struggles for power and influence by the major powers. Old ways of thinking. The weather seeming to have gone awry. The Earth in growing turmoil—volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, weather. All of this adding to uncertainty, bringing confusion to purpose, tradition, and common understanding.

What light can this shed upon the present and the future? It sheds light upon the frailty of tradition and perception, relationships, unawakened life. The alternative is the process of awakening into a larger reality of insight, direct knowing, True Nature; the larger realities of life throughout the universe and beyond; intrinsic value of life; unlimited potential, possibilities, alternatives to everything. Traditions serve their purpose but only until understood and the inner light beckons to embrace new paths, new perceptions, natural instincts to be helpful, to enrich yourself and others, to heal, to bring hope, to cooperate, collaborate, and recreate the experiences of life in a new way.

These seemingly chaotic realities of the moment draw attention to the frailties of ignorance. Encourage each other. There are always alternatives, new possibilities, an innate potential to be something more. Help each other point the way to a more peaceful and harmonious life. Namaste.
Dec. 28, 2018                                                                        Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross