A journey of peace

JANU: We are orchestrating, if you will, the movement of peace throughout the being that plays like a symphony, bringing harmony on all levels. The ripples of which are scattered to mingle with others in the Larger Life.

The significance of peaceful consciousness is its intimate relationship with that of others, fruitful communication, the sharing of understanding. See your being, your consciousness, as a member of a hierarchy, a family that patterns with each other to bring about the evolution of life, with countless destinies creating beauty. So, you see, peace is, in a larger sense, a powerful relationship with the rest of life, which includes the True Nature that you are.

Return to this often and remain as you may. The Larger Life takes getting used to, from the veiled incarnate existence and its limited perceptions. Namaste.
Jan. 1, 2019 B                                      Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross