Benevolent existence

JANU:  We are revealing, at this time, that which is needed to progress along the lines of shared enlightenment. The contribution of each one to each other as to their knowledge and understanding of the deeper and the larger realities of life goes a long way towards ‘benevolent existence.’ A valid inquiry into one’s Nature as to the benevolence of their participation in the social construct of society.

Now, this is a matter that bears insight in deepening layers of perception and understanding where the source of these is experience, and the wisdom that generates, and the True Nature. No one individual being has all of the insights and wisdom to benefit everyone. That resource is each one’s True Nature, but we can be of helpfulness to each other.

You speak of feedback to determine effectiveness. Everything about you provides this, when allowed to express freely and honestly. Being overly cautious to be expressive is a limitation. Being expressive without guidance and wisdom creates confusion. So the balance here is created by sensitivity, wisdom, and feedback, direct insight into the moment.

Why not, then, embrace life more fully? Reach for the stars, so to speak, in enlightenment, in awakening, in understanding. Everyone deserves this from you, as do you. Be as benevolent as the moment allows. Love each other. Be patient with each other. Care about each other. Understand each other. And serve each other. Namaste.
Jan. 7, 2019                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross