Partnering in awakening

JANU: We are raising issue again with the dynamics of human awakening. A continuous process, since the beginning of the human experience and not unique to human consciousness, by any means.

Partnering in awakening with others, not only incarnate as humans but others as well, is a vast opportunity, for consciousness is not limited to time/space nor is it predictable other than by its potential. We see opportunity here. Let it be known that we agree with partnership and that it be born of a sense of community in the Larger Family of Life. We recognize ‘treaties’ between groups to correspond, to relate, to aid the diversity of progression as it brings about insight into expansiveness of life.

Let us reach together—together meaning ‘unity of being’—returning to relationships that are ongoing and that have progressed, even while incarnate, whether conscious of these progressions or not. Life is in motion, always evolving, as are we. Namaste.
Jan. 18, 2019                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross