Exploring that you are not conscious of

JANU: We are relishing with you the path ahead, a culmination of sorts of the many journeys taken. In the beginning, the journey seems a lonely one, for those around you, incarnate, seem unaware much less understand you. But answering the call within, with commitment, patience, and a growing understanding builds momentum, which builds upon itself.

How does one explore that which they are unaware of? By exploring with their True Nature that is aware and connected with so many others. Journeying throughout the Larger Life is a prerogative of enlightened consciousness. Pay attention to your insights, your inspirations, no matter how fleeting. Acknowledge the divinity of your own True Nature. Let that be the authority for your evolution and your journeys. Your potential for integrity is larger than you know. Stand confidently in the truth of your own being. It is at one with the nature of Life itself. Namaste.
Jan. 18, 2019 B                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross