Service: Fulfilling purpose

JANU:    Enormous, then, are the responsibilities of service. Enormous are the forms that service takes. Purpose, then, belongs to the theme of life, rich in tradition, that focuses intent and need into one truth. And, of course, every truth inspires another. Being of service is predestined to expand consciousness, quicken understanding, and inspire. Rich indeed are the consequences.

All of life serves life. Service is not isolated in any way; it is universal. Giving and receiving is life in motion, constantly evolving and creating. What grander purpose for being than to serve life? The opportunities for evolving are as varied as the opportunities for service. Growing in harmony with life and its flow is successful living. It is the nature of these journeys and each one, the fulfilling of purpose. Namaste.
Jan. 10, 2019 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross