Heritage, tradition, & life in motion

JANU:    Heritage and tradition are the earmarks of a foundation for exploring the human journey. Heritage and traditions have molded human consciousness, advancing it and limiting it at the same time, for heritage and traditions seem immutable but the layers of understanding and meaning are evolving. “How can this be?” you ask. Because life is in motion and the layers of meaning when these two principles were created and advanced were unknown even at that time, and they have evolved as well.

Traditions and heritage for the most part are superficial perceptions perpetuated into a comfort zone of acceptance. Keeping pace with the flow of life, one must probe, explore, walk in the footsteps of life in motion. As life evolves, the structure of meaning, of reality, changes to allow for additional layers of reality. So, as one studies the documents of history that seem stable, unchanging, and validated by this, the point of these traditions is missed, for life is a living thing. Nothing stands still. Everything changes. And, to advance your consciousness, it must change as well.

Consider the power in this, the freedom. To be ever growing, to be in ownership of more of life, for your identity to be more intimate with larger realities and therefore become an identity re-creating itself. In other words, become consciously life in motion. So the question is, “Is your life in motion, and how conscious of it are you?” Namaste.
Jan. 31, 2019 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross