Understanding a moment of service

JANU: Service, this evening, comprises the feelings of urgency in the realities of living by those who live by timetables and clocks, if you will. Time-based schedules do not allow for fluidity in the patterns of life. And life is fluid, with eddies and currents and flows, and blockages, temporary though they may be. What then of the nature of a sense of the movement of life that is unlimited and free and belongs to the moment?

Ordained outcomes, preplanned interactions, fixed goals and objectives do not consider course corrections…or should we say, course changes or completely new directions. Many directions in life have their moment, have their purpose, and are fulfilled even when they seem unfulfilled. Even service is modified by life and changes its mode, its form, as life changes.

So what then of the principle of service, in light of this? The principle of service is to support the fulfillment of all destinies, in harmony with their ever-changing realities. So to hang your hat on, so to speak, or set your sights on concrete perceptions, interpretations, and understandings of any life that is served, and even the manner of service, is limiting. So let us serve life this evening with a growing understanding and perception of all destinies being in flux. So the attitude to ‘fix this’ or ‘fix that’ does not lend itself to the harmonies of life in motion, the moments of destiny, and the truth of their existence.

More then, be an instrument of service in an unlimited way, even to the finest moment. Namaste.
May 10, 2013 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.