Understanding Conscious Union

JANU:    We are handling, if you will, the enabling of expression referring to the wisdom of the Larger Life when it comes to the affairs of the human incarnate journey. Let us assume, then, that it is true that there is much to be gained through the experiences of the human journey, even as they are at this time. How can one understand what they have not experienced? And that gives rise to wisdom and to perception of what can be and what will come.

What we see here clearly are new realities created based on potential more than old patterns of consciousness. Understand this, that potential, the nature of potential, is creativity in motion, not a fixed reality, in harmony with the flow of life. The difference between horizontal and vertical thinking. Allow new and unique perceptions not limited to memories.

You seek conscious union with the Larger Life. The union with what, our brother? Union within the reality of your total being. Namaste.
Mar. 1, 2019
Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross