Understanding coexistence

JANU: We are surveying with you the reality of peace among human society. The manifestation of discord and its correspondence to nature is seemingly endless, the need to consume or be consumed, one of the basic instincts in human consciousness that perpetuate this amongst themselves and with the natural kingdom. It comes from survival, survival with a limited view, ignorance of life ongoing beyond the physical. Survival seems threatened by each other, by nature, by infestation.

How can this change and society change with it? By not only realizing but owning and experiencing the larger reality of your own being, the eternal nature of existence, a consciousness free of limitation and a growing oneness with all of life, realizing that we survive together or perish separately.

Variations on this understanding exist throughout the universe. Peace is coming to terms with this, owning the understanding and reality of coexistence, exploring the reality of coexistence and all that it means. What does the “co” part of coexistence mean? Observing another individual and experiencing the reality of coexisting. This is the Larger Life, no longer just individual existence but coexistence, partnerships in life, a higher form of co-dependency, Essential Nature.

This is the theme for this journey: Humanity learning and growing into peaceful coexistence, where everyone benefits from everything and each other. Namaste.
May 6, 2019                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross