Human unity

JANU:  Let us celebrate service supporting the unity of humanity in its embrace of life and each other. A unified humanity holds the promise of the future, for without it humans come at cross-purposes. Now, we did not suggest sameness here, but cooperation, connection, a growing vision that is shared, and a love for the journey that each shares in.

Human unity does not embrace wars, but rather chooses mutual concern for the fulfillment of each other’s journey, living without fear or deprivation.

Human unity has the potential to virtually eliminate disease, poverty, and starvation.

Human unity values each one’s potential for genius and contribution to each other.

Human unity will know such deep strength and wisdom that its light will welcome many from other worlds.

Human unity will reveal a life filled with personal achievement, self-improvement, and a peace that allows the joyous life.

Human unity will build a collective memory of the human journey and all of the wisdom gained, wasting nothing.

Human unity will build a consciousness that is awakened and will bring alternate realities into the Now and ultimately enjoy trans-dimensional understanding and involvement.

A vision of human unity is a worthy one. Consider it, as do we. Namaste.
Dec. 20, 2012 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

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