Elements of awakening

JANU: We are continuing with our discourse and development of the elements of awakening. We are best suited for this, due to the fact that there exists within the human consciousness trace memories of the Larger Life and the reasons and choices involved in reincarnating at this time in human history. There is a growing need amongst humanity to more completely realize its potential, indicated by its achievements and growth in understanding and embracing life through service to each other, reinforced by the dichotomy of conflicts, human suffering, and ignorance to opportunities.

We of the Brotherhood of Light persist in integrity of consciousness, true nature, and life’s flow of opportunities to evolve and awaken. Let us restore, then, that which has been set aside as humanity moves towards the realization of its own potential by way of awakening and experience. Opportunities are created by the consciousness and the wisdom that is becoming increasingly ready for fulfillment of potential.

The adventure continues, rich in deed and ownership of integrity. Namaste.
May 14, 2019                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross