The Middle Way brings balance to life

JANU:    Perception, then, does apply to the power struggles in government. And these exist throughout the world, not to mention other venues of power. Relaxing into daily routines perpetuates normalcy for most, but not those in so-called power. Each day is a challenge to maintain and build that power, not from within but through manipulation of external realities and other people. It is as intoxicating to them as compulsive eating, smoking, and drugs. They become addicted to that power, or that sense of it, because it is relatively easy in terms of relative maturity and the evolution of consciousness. There are situations when life allows these scenarios to run their course, so to speak, for inspirational learning begins when the outer expressions of life collapse on themselves, but not before. The challenges and opportunities, then, are for those who choose a different way—the inner life of true power—to avoid these bullets of power struggles.

Walking the Middle Way on the path of life, not only physically but emotionally and mentally as well, brings balance to life’s many experiences and challenges. This applies no matter the scope of your life involvements, whether parochial or global. And what is the Middle Way? How does one recognize its characteristics?

  • Even-mindedness, emotional sensitivity, has a strength that brings clarity to understanding through experience.
  • The overcoming of extremes yet allowing a range of experiences with a foundation of wisdom and integration.
  • A greater ability to perceive the progression of scenarios of life and their likely outcome.
  • A vision for the realization of potential.
  • A life of patience and tolerance for journeys of others.
  • A love of self, of life, all of it.
  • Being joy-filled and happy without needing a reason to be.
  • Confident in the future, as the present reveals it.
  • Being at peace with a growing understanding of its reality.
  • And much more.

May 22, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross