More on the joy of awakening

JANU:    It is joyous to experience the freedom, the understanding, the intimacy with the Larger Life, and the physical life as well. Intimacy with all of life includes the physical life, filled with coexisting realities. The joy of awakening is the sense of sovereignty, of being whole, no longer frail and subject to the vagaries of unenlightened existence. Finding the loving nature of everything, including your own. Peace in the midst of change, everything in motion, which speaks to the permanence of life. The conflicts that ensue when one attempts to hold on to life as it is in the moment and not let it flow and be part of that flow. The freedom to be and experience change as a breath of fresh air, renewing, rejuvenating, liberating, revitalizing, and revealing. The joy of discovering and understanding and, above all, intimacy with the true nature of life.

Yes, there is joy to be had. Experiencing life is an adventure. What lies beyond the horizon, connecting with others in new ways, finding freedom together. Namaste.
June 24, 2019                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross