Observing with no frame of reference

JANU:    This evening’s journey represents the best tradition of service as it pertains to the scale of life. When examining or considering this scale, from the smallest particle to the largest venue, from the human perspective, there exist elements of life not limited to this point of view. These elements of life coexist with your dimensional reality and they are life elements that perceive life in a completely different manner, but they are life nonetheless, and we serve them as well. For there is a common thread to all of life, but life possesses aspects of itself that do not know of each other’s existence.

What we serve this evening is an awareness in this area of understanding. There is wisdom in these isolations of life, and there is wisdom in bridging this isolation at times. This evening’s encounter becomes the bridge. And in this case, service includes mutual enlightenment, expansion of consciousness, and life touching life, even as we speak.   (Extended pause)

These elements of life do not think as you do or have any of the senses of perception that you do. The awareness of their existence is more in the direction of a sense of each other as part of a greater more inclusive being aligned with a peace that knows no fear. These elements of life are not consumed with power, possessions, construction, technology, craft for exploration. Their existence is better understood as pure being without form.

This evening’s journey is an exercise in opening to life that outwardly seems to have no familiarity, but can be known. So what frame of reference does one use to explore a reality that seems to have none, yet is reality in its own being, and part of life? Much to consider here, and namaste.
Sept. 25, 2012 B                      Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.