Finding truth

JANU: Your request has been heard, to explore the reality of finding truth.  Interesting challenges that reveal much about the truth seeker. Recanting preferences, biases, prejudices, misperceptions, preferred outcomes, personal motives is not easy. For many, these conditions are natural and normal. Definitely common.

What is truth, then?” you ask. The ‘isness’ of reality. An accurate observation of life and its patterns, according to the limitations or strengths of individual consciousness, powers of perception, and discernment.

So, where does one begin on the quest? The continuing best response is a growing conscious relationship with the Divine within you, your True Nature, your true being, the source of your integrity. Truth always exists. Even the question asked has bias, unclear patterns of motive, that must be sifted through for a response as revealing as possible. But the beauty of life is, even though imperfect, and the questions can be asked repeatedly, allowing for processing, the evolution of consciousness, and the maturity of the questioner. For there is always another layer of truth to be sensed, to be understood and processed.

Truth is not a destination. It is a process of life in motion. One tends to define truth as absolute, unalterable, eternal. The Essential Nature is, but not its many manifestations and evolving reality, which must do so, for life itself is evolving, changing, maturing, deepening. So, finding truth is finding the level of truthful reality that works for you, that is understandable, that can be processed and applied to enhance understanding, to strengthen the foundation and purpose and meaning for your life.

Even in the midst of all these influences, finding truth is the path of conscious reunion with all that is, including who you are. Namaste.
July 24, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross