The joy of exploring the Larger Life

JANU: This life you have reviewed, of the one called Shivapuri Baba,* is a wonderful example of being at peace and growing in consciousness, absorbing wisdom beyond one lifetime, but also serving humanity by giving counsel to others from around the world who visited his hovel in India. Still vital and relevant and conscious at 117 years old. A life committed to, dedicated to expanding his consciousness in the direction of his potential and the Larger Life. Journeyed on foot for thousands of miles to visit leaders in different countries, obtaining private counsel time where others were not invited.

Each one has the potential for wondrous journeys. Choice, commitment, dedication, sincerity, and the joy of discovery and sharing with others is available to everyone. Life is rich beyond imagination, just waiting to be explored. Time and space is not a limitation to journeys in consciousness and direct experience, although time and space are part of the larger reality of life.

Follow no one. Learn from each other. And choose the direct path within to explore all of life. Find peace in this, not understood by many or experienced but, more than this, embrace the wonders life offers. Namaste.
Sept. 19, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

*For more information see the book Long Pilgrimage by John G. Bennett