The International Day of the Girl

JANU:   Recent events signify and signal that remuneration, so to speak, of investment of capital into the liberation and emancipation of the female gender of humanity. Let it be known that this so-called International Day of the Girl (celebrated Oct. 11th) is another threshold marking a consciousness shift in the destiny of humanity. It belongs to, on the order of, the awakening of humanity. Balance returning to the format of the genders of the species.

Yes, other worlds have achieved this and major changes in their evolution and achievements have occurred. This direction of change is essential for the awakening of humanity. The balance returned to human consciousness will benefit all creatures as well, for the relationship of humanity to nature will improve.

It takes both genders in society to bring balance to civilization and the legacy of humanity. This transition will have its challenges but be the observer in a larger way as destiny is being fulfilled. Namaste.
Oct. 11, 2019                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross