The journey of the Larger Life

JANU: Such it is, the liberation of awakening:

Peaceful foundation centering.

Clarity, a growing clarity of understanding.

A gentle compassion for those who seek enlightenment.

Integrity that speaks for itself.

A deepening love of life and respect for its eternal nature and potential.

A desire to enrich another while honoring their integrity, their path to enlightenment, their service to life, their freedom and sovereignty.

Realizing there are no secrets in the Larger Life. All is known, for life is one and everything is from that life. How can there be secrets when the secrets, so-called, come from life itself?

 Anger, frustration, and confusion melt away, replaced with eternal patience, commitment, and journeys without end.

Life is rich. The physical body is a miracle but temporary. Life is a miracle and permanent. And so are you. So are we all. Experience the power of true peace and enlightenment and your own True Nature. Namaste.
Jan. 23, 2020                                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross