The nature of technology

JANU:   Profound, then, speaks to the quality of life that brings substance to integrity. Incarnate existence has its integrity as well. Not always the use of it, but its nature. The technology you observe and its restorative ability reflect not only the integrity of the builders but the limits of consciousness tasked with harnessing the nature of incarnate existence, which is evolving. So, let us be mindful of these factors contributing to the endurance of, the integrity of what so many rely on.

So far, part of the expression of integrity in this area, you see, is the understanding of the technology, its repair and operation. So, judge not technology on its foibles, if you will, but on the creation of it, the design of it, the integrity of the materials involved, the support systems. All of this is changing and will evolve.

So be mindful of the reality of the moment, as everything evolves. Move with these changes. Understand them and adjust. Namaste.
Feb. 3, 2020 B                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross