JANU: The nature of attuning is what many will want to know, as they begin or enhance their journeys. Key ingredients are focus of attention, openmindedness to awareness of thought beyond the incarnate consciousness, the willingness to consider and embrace alternative perspectives, and a desire to reunite consciously with one’s larger being. The energetic systems of the being are realigned, focused and strengthened with repetition, especially with experiences that make sense out of inquiries that one is exposed to, including their own.
Slowly, one realizes that the larger reality of being is who they are. The incarnate experience is only a portion of that reality, limited by the veil, which is temporary. More and more of life’s circumstances, including one’s well-being, are understood more clearly, their nature and their remedy. One is exposed to the finer protocols of life, which are called for when observing others and being sensitive to their natures. Being able to listen without preconditions other than integrity and truth.
One does not make demands when attuning, but allows expanded consciousness and experience. When one realizes that life has layers of truth and meaning, with their own harmonious relationships, then personal identity slowly expands to include more of life. Projection of scenarios into the future, based on potential and current trends, reveals possibilities to explore. This eventually becomes more and more a way of living, a way of life, and anything less is not as satisfying. Conscious reunion slowly returns, with the rest of their nature, and more and more they speak with one voice. And this is only the beginning of transformation of consciousness in that entity and lifestyle. Namaste.
Feb. 27, 2020 B Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross