Coronavirus and our relationship with nature

JANU: We are arranged in such a configuration as to bring about density in thought and in energy. Let our understanding of such be life fulfilling and an advantage to the life we serve. Reaching into the pool of resource, let us institute a flow that keeps pace with the momentum of change facing life on the Earth at this time. This so-called virus situation has more than one level of reality for humanity precipitates its experiences and nature responds.

So this is a time of the operation of and the clarity of basic values, character, nature, and relationships not just among people but with all the creatures of the Earth, and the Earth itself. Life is responding to runaway consumption and pollution of natural resources. The Earth is not just ball of earth and rock, but is an expression of life.

Harmonize your physicality, thoughts and emotions, creative energies with the balances needed for the survival of life on Earth. Give great consideration to relationships with nature. Namaste.
Mar. 20, 2020 B                                                                   Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross