A better life

JANU:     We are surveying the events of the day, as to your concern about the discord between nations and peoples. The issue here is that they lack a superior model of existence. Physical force is the epitome of their sense of power. Destructive power as an ultimate model for resolution of differences is from ignorance. They have yet to perceive that that sort of power doesn’t build anything, but destroys each other. How can one appreciate true power in the face of this, when that’s all they know?

True power does not destroy but coordinates, unifies elements of life, mutually beneficial. Humanity could behave this way, as well, with the proper vision and understanding. True power is appreciated from within, with a consciousness beyond the physical. True power than, more fundamental than physical-only reality. Each one’s True Nature is an example of this.

“So, where does awakening to this come from?” you ask. It comes from the within that is connected to everything. Not religion. Religion is inspired by this, without understanding. Going within, so to speak, connects you with everything, including who you are, the who you are that lives in this way. Most are not even convinced there is a reality, a viable reality, available to them other than physicality and they model this to each other.

Part of the reason for this service is to support this option of the awakening of humanity, that the truth that lives within each one can be heard and experienced, and manifested. It is all coming. The letting go of a limited perception can be easy or difficult. The choice belongs to everyone. So let us continue to support the spark of Light, the insightful moment that answers the question “Is there a better way?” Physical force not seeming to be the answer. Namaste.
May 21, 2019 B                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross