Life will continue beyond Covid-19

JANU:     At these times, regret is a dominant emotion. The sense of loss, lack of opportunity, fear, and uncertainty. You might ask, “What is an alternative to this, in the face of these challenges, that can be productive and overcome them?” It is the experience of the presence of the Larger Life and its endurance and dominance over that that challenges it. The opportunities still exist but must be embraced and fulfilled. Hard to see when these other fears are so loud.

Realization that one’s life continues no matter what is something not only to hang onto but to live as. Each victory, no matter how seemingly small, catapults one into identifying with the potential of Life itself. The many by far overcoming this illness and virus are testimony to this. Everyone will survive this, whether leaving the body or not. Consciousness continues, as does discovery, understanding, and love. The body is temporary. The being is not, and there will be other experiences, other journeys to walk. Take good care of this one. Do not fear the next.  These changes have been experienced before, and life goes on, including your own.

The Family of Life is rich with the memory of this, these experiences. Allow your awareness and sense of being to expand. Every moment is precious. There will always be more, in one form or another. Choose to understand the nature of every experience and gain wisdom from it. Namaste.
Apr. 28, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross