The source of true power

JANU:   Remembering, when so-called catastrophe strikes, there seems to be a recalcitrance to the former confidence in the future. Confidence is fueled by a clarity of vision and experience in the moment. Second-guessing the future based upon past challenges keeps the consciousness swinging between the two. Neither one is what is being dealt with in the moment and that is where the power is. The power to create, to manifest, to modify, to refine is in the moment. Progressions add depth to understanding the reality of the moment. Understanding supports confidence, for it is the platform for planning and structuring response.

The so-called Now reality is part of this. Living in the moment does not ignore the reality of past and future, but owns them. It is the source of that reality. They draw their power to exist from this central reality of being. True power is without limit when engaged in this way. The true source of miracles, you see. Namaste.
Apr. 29, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross