A larger reality of being 

JANU:    We are ready to proceed with the organization of consciousness to include the many elements or systems of being and the so-called structure of Life that includes all the dimensions, all realities. What we reach for here is an understanding and experience of the coordination of all of the elements of Life, all realities, including the reality of consciousness.

Consciousness is the great connector. Where the attention is, so is the connection, and the communication, and the coordination, and the realization. The unenlightened limitations of the human experience no longer dominate. Reality without limitation made possible by integration and coordination, intimate relationship of all realities. The human ego consciousness is not accustomed to, based upon societal experience, limitlessness. But part of the Nature is. So, awakening, you see, includes transforming human consciousness into a larger reality. This means letting go of the confines of human identity.

The Larger Life refers to your own as well. Allow your consciousness to experience expansion, inclusiveness, knowing, creativity, peace. True Nature is a useful expression. The human experience or journey is only part of this. Namaste.
June 11, 2020                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross