More on experiencing the Now

JANU: The Now experience that you seek comes on the heels of the transition from predetermination perception to the natural flow of life progression. As revealed previously, past, present, and future are elemental realities tied to the Now. But the human societal consciousness, so conditioned to these elementals and perception of reality, is conditioned by those life patterns without a frame of reference for the reality experience of the Now. But it is possible, through focus and integrity, to move beyond those limitations.

Letting go of what is familiar to that which is not takes courage, faith, peace, and commitment. The Now reality includes everything, so identity must let go of limitation but perceive elemental realities as life patterns not identity. One’s own memories of these limited life patterns can be seen in this same way. Not as identity but as limited experiences from an identity of freedom, peace, and pure being. Not to be owned by those experiences. Even karmic attachment is a limited perception. These relationships hold sway when identity is limited to these for the conscious connection perpetuates them long past their creation.

Being in The NOW consciousness, all is observed as to its nature while at peace and truly free. We will continue with this, as desired. Namaste.
July 8, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross