The nature of being

JANU:  Adjustments, then, belong to a group of considerations when taking on fundamental principles of life, such as ‘being Light.’ Light is an essential nature of ‘isness.’ It supports formation, fundamental relationship with guiding intelligence, form, creation. Reasonableness, balance, structure, and an evolving outcome are part of the looping reality, where the Now and cycles of life coexist.

Let us take, then, for instance, the human vehicle. It is an expression of consciousness and many creative forces. It has a destiny, an evolutionary outcome the human consciousness cannot fathom yet, and the potential for such life already exists. And even reality beyond time and space plays the role. So the attempt to pigeonhole understanding of any moment in reality based upon forms and relationships of the moment does not hold still very long.

So, where then lies purpose, focus, so-called standards of existence? Where does one find peace in the reality of being Light? What is life? What is it not? It transcends both questions. Even ‘isness’ is temporary. Namaste.
Sept. 10, 2020                                                                       Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross