The answers will come

JANU:  Reaching then into the enormous diversity of life that is humanity, let us bespeak of the main categories: relationships, survival, understanding and discovering, exploration into the nature of existence, and self-conscious awakening. Peace amongst all of these is a prerequisite for integration, symmetry, harmony, mutual benefit. Much of this is achievable short of conscious awakening, but the deeper and larger perspective of the oneness of life can be a mystery. Tantalizing are the ever-present hints of this, the suspicions, the inklings, the nagging wonderment.

Incarnate life can be rich, rewarding, fulfilling to a degree, but there comes the time, or times, when the questions linger but the answers seem distant. So the quest continues and life is always larger than the questions. The asking is a vehicle, looking for direction and destiny. We look for help from each other, for we are all the same and unique and the answers encompass all of these.

Be at peace in the asking. The answers come. Namaste.
Sept. 9, 2020                                                                             Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross