The nature of existence

JANU:  Relative motion can be interpreted without units of measure because, in the Larger Life, awareness includes the relative reality of another expression of life. These relationships reveal not only yours but the other as well, for they are connected in other ways than measuring devices. One can know the presence, relative position, and motions of another whether visible or not. All of creation has this property and the conditions of each can be experienced and understood.

You ask what terminology to use in describing these properties of existence without units of measure. These properties are not recorded with pencil and paper, so to speak, but in life patterns of energetic reality of many different properties. So, to determine that something does or does not exist or has this or that relationship or reality simply by observation of the five senses or any devices is limited and gives the illusion of real or unreal.

So, what we point to in this discourse is the reality that there is much more to the natures of existence whether the five senses detect them or not. This perspective has merit in other explorations of reality as well, and are worthy of exploration. Namaste.
Oct. 1, 2020                          Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross